

January 31, 2014

Channeling Erykah Badu

And she seems pissed.
Must have accidentally channeled a bad weave day. Quite honestly, I've been feeling an African vibe lately. I know back home we're channeling the ice age, but here in Mauritius I'm channeling something along the lines of African queen. You know, big beads, wild prints, head turbans, hunger, gold and AIDS. Gonna rock on that while you enjoy pics of me hiding Voldemort. Photos by the beautiful Melisa from Meow Neki Neko, which is why I'm making this one exception and not fucking them up with the typical collage.

Also below a tune by the amazing queen Janelle Monáe and our buddy Erykah.


Erykah sa akosi hnevá.
Asi som vychannelovala nejaký zlý hair weave day alebo čo. V poslednej dobe ma baví celý tento African queen look so všetkým, čo k nemu patrí-- veľké náhrdelníky, turbany, šialené vzory, hladomor, zlato, AIDS.. Viem, že doma channelujete dobu ľadovú, tak si aspoň užite trochu tepla z tohto externého blesku, a mňa, ako ukrývam Voldemorta. Fotila krásna Melisa z Meow Neki Neko a preto ich nezhyzdím typickou kolážou.

Taktiež-- below je song od úžasnej queen Janelle Monáe ft. naša kamoška Erykah. A môj tato vám odkazuje: hovno kokot mačka.
