

March 9, 2014

There is a God

And it's called Instagram.
Long time no see so I decided to upload pictures of days past. I also wanted to let everyone know about the house rules of this blog.
1. It's a glorified instagram and
    a) I know
    b) I don't care
2. All photos (unless otherwise noted) are iphone-only. This will not change. Ever.
3. I will swear and I will be offensive in my writing.
4. Sometimes you won't see a post for over a week. But that's only because I'm doing something else, like making my dreams come true.
5. If you're reading this, then that means you can read and that's nice. Thanks for deciding to use your privilege of literacy on this blog.


Instagram ktorý si na nebesiach
Posväť sa meno tvoje
Príď popular page tvoj
Buď aplikácia moja
Ako v iphone tak aj v androide
Feed náš každodenný daj nám dnes
A odpusť nám naše filtre
Tak ako my odpúšťame hashtagy
A neuveď nás do zamrznutia
Ale zbav nás #instafoodu


Postscriptum-- trpezlivo očakávam za toto znesvätenie nejaký hatemail (a one-way ticket do pekla ofc), ale varujem vás vopred, že vás s tým aj tak pošlem do piče. :-*

Všetko ostatné je uvedené vyššie in ENG, pretože po básničke sa mi už nechce prekladať. Sú 3 hodiny ráno. English, motherfucker, you should speak it. 2014.

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