

November 2, 2015



That's how I learned to spell it when I was 10 years old, learning there's two of every consonant but the first letter. Finally got around to visiting this magical state. J and I came down here from New Orleans to travel the Mississippi Blues Trail, a route starting in New Orleans and ending in Chicago, going through the Mississippi River delta along all the small towns and villages great bluesmen lived and performed in, inadvertently starting a musical revolution called rock n' roll. We drove along the old highway 61, which passed along plantations, orchards and cotton fields, following the markers of history. There pictures are from the still-retro-looking Jackson (which you could see in the Oscar winning movie The Help) and there's more to come from the mystical Clarksdale, where blues legend Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil. But more about that later. Oh, and no pics from Louisiana and NOLA, cause tbh, that trip was so wild I simply didn't take any pictures. I have some on my Mju camera though, so that oughtta be fun when I get those developed. Enjoy.

Jackson, Mississippi. 
Mississippi sa spelluje s každou spoluhláskou dva krát, okrem prvej. Tak nás to učili keď som mala 10 rokov a guess what-- je to tak dodnes. S J cestujeme juhom z Louisiany (z ktorej nemám žiadne fotky pretože New Orleans bol tak šialený výlet, že som skrátka nestihla, nedokázala a nevládala fotit--ale budú mju takže to bude rošambó right there) hore do Nashville (kde sa momentálne nachádzame). Ideme po Mississippi Blues Trail, historickej ceste po starej Route 61 popri delte rieky Mississippi. Stará cesta vedie okolo malých miest a dedín kde sa narodili, žili a hrali legendy bluesu, ktoré následne ovplyvnili celý vývoj hudby 20. storočia vznikom rock n' rollu. MS je magická krajina-- chudobná ale šťavnatá popri rieke kde sa rodili, zomierali a stretávali legendy čiernej hudby o ktorých takmer nikto nevie-- niekde medzi jabloňami, plantážmi a bavlnou. Viac o Blues Trail a mysticizme vám poviem v následujúcom poste, zatial si užite fotky z Jackson-u (ktorý ste možno videli v Oscarovom filme The Help)

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