There's not much of Austin I captured on film. Really, you kind of just have to be here. But I still have a day and a half to go on so maybe I'll do that today. What I did continue in was my obsession with walls (and neon signs, if you follow my insta @tammyandmore) and so we went to the grafitti park on Baylor st. to take some snaps. About the outfit: Those are real ass american leather cowboy boots with tooling. Those silver tips are a) a bitch to get on and b) from Georgetown, where we drove specifically to get these babies. The pants, which are now my favorite thing I own are from a thrift store. Oh and btw, thrift store shopping in Austin is top notch. It's a rich city so the choices are abundant--which is why I found a mink coat for a hundred bucks. True story. Keep Austin Weird.
Graffiti park na Baylor street.
Moc som toho z Austinu nezachytila na film, asi lebo sa mi nechcelo. Ale ešte sa tu zdržíme deň takže možno vás prekvapím. Zatiaľ sme sa išli motať okolo graffiti parku na Baylor street, asi pretože mám zvláštnu obsesiu so stenami a neónovými nápismi (viz insta @tammyandmore), taktiež som sa vám chcela pochváliť s mojimi badass pravými Texaskými cowboy boots aj so striebornými tipmi, kvôli ktorým som sa jebala až do Georgetownu, a s mojimi teraz najobľúbenejšími nohavicami, ktoré by mi závidelo aj celé zoskupenie ABBA vo svojom hey-day. Inak nohavice zo sekáču. Dobrý nápad thrift store shopping v Austine, pretože je to bohaté mesto a sú tu fakt že úlovky za málo peňazí. Aj preto mám norku za stovečku. mmmmhhmm. True story. Keep Austin Weird.
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